
Explore your big questions.

With everything happening in the world around us, many people are asking big questions around life, faith and God. Alpha is an 11-week group experience where we look at the basics of God, His story and Jesus over a meal. Whether you’re skeptical or curious about faith, Alpha is a place for you to bring your questions and explore with others.

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How it Works

share a meal during alpha


Exploring these topics in community is essential to Alpha, and food tends to break down walls as we get to know each other.

engaging alpha teachings


Each week has about 30 minutes of video content that sparks conversation to explore the big issues of faith like “Who is Jesus”?

discuss alpha topics


This is where the magic happens. Bring your thoughts and ideas to the table (literally) — nothing is off limits. The goal is simply to talk about your perspective of the topic and hear from others too. That’s it.