Mother Daughter Camp FAQS

Registration FAQ:

  • How much does Mother Daughter Camp cost?
    Cost is $259.98 for one daughter and one mother figure.

  • How do I register for Mother Daughter Camp?
    Register or Subscribe to Updates at

  • Can I get a refund after I register?
    Mother Daughter Camp does not provide refunds or transfers if you decide not to come or cannot make it after you register. Please consider this risk and commitment before registering.

  • Can I take all of my daughters?
    Yes, but only one at a time. Mother Daughter Camp is designed for one-on-one time with you and your daughter.

  • Can a mother figure take my daughter?
    Yes. ABSOLUTELY! We think of Mother as a Verb, not a noun. There will be additional documents to sign for both the parents and or legal guardian/mother figure.

  • How old does my daughter need to be?
    Your daughter must be between the ages of 7-17.

  • What if I don't go to Crossroads?
    Great! You’re in the right place. There will be other mothers and daughters from around the region that don’t attend Crossroads.

  • This sounds perfect. Where can I drop my daughter off?
    Great question! To be clear: This is not a “drop your daughter off” camp, nor is it a day-time camp. It is an overnight camp experience for both mother and daughter.

Camp FAQ:

  • Where is Mother Daughter Camp?
    The address for base camp is 420 Neville-Penn Schoolhouse Road, Felicity OH, 45120. Allow for 5-10 extra travel minutes to make it up the gravel road once on property. 5 mph! Prepare to enjoy Rolling hills, small ponds, some fields, woods and gorgeous views.

  • When can I arrive?
    You have the option to arrive on Friday starting at 4:30 - 6:30 PM. Friday is designed to be time to claim your spot, set up camp, get settled and connect around the campfire. Programming doesn’t start until Saturday morning. Arrival on Saturday morning is 7:00-9:00 AM.

  • Do I have to come Friday?
    No, we understand two nights of camping might be too much. Arrival time is Saturday morning 7:00-9:00 AM and the first session will start at 9:30 AM.

  • How long is Mother Daughter Camp?
    Camp runs from 7 am on Saturday until 1pm on Sunday. With optional camping on Friday night.

  • What if I come after arrival time or leave early? Is there flexibility to come and go?
    Sorry, but no. You’re in for the whole deal. Once we’re at camp, we’re there to stay—unless there’s some unforeseen emergency. Leaving disrupts the experience for you and others.

  • What if there’s an emergency at home while I’m gone?
    We’ll have a way for your family to reach you (and you them) if there’s an emergency. And by emergency we don’t mean the cable goes out.

  • What if we have never camped before?
    No problem. Mother Daughter Camp is all about getting you outside of your comfort zone. We’re here to challenge and encourage you.

  • What do I need to bring?
    Once you’re signed up, we’ll send you a full list. But the short version is: one duffel bag and one backpack, filled with camping gear, a chair, dry clothes and food.

  • Do I have to carry in all my gear?
    We know as Mothers there is a lot to do in getting ready to go camping. Not only for this camping trip but at home and work. We want to bless you and your daughter with a gift. Mother Daughter Camp is a car camping experience but in some cases, vehicles may need to park up to ¼ mile from your tent. You may not be able to park your car next to your campsite but there will be designated parking spaces not far away. Be prepared to carry or haul your stuff to your campsite.

  • What do I need to know about driving in?
    We want you to carpool if possible. When you arrive on property the speed limit is 5 mph! Camp is about slowing down and that starts at the gate. SERIOUSLY SLOW DOWN.

  • What is Car Camping?
    A type of camping which involves driving rather than walking to a campsite. At Mother Daughter Camp you will be able to park at your campsite or fairly close to it, depending on the vehicle you own and the weather conditions that weekend. Once you park for the weekend, your vehicle will need to remain parked until the end of camp...there is no coming and going at will.

  • How do I know where my campsite is located?
    You will drive in together. There will be a Campsite Meet Up Parking Area at the front of camp. Once everyone arrives you will be able to drive back to your campsite. This will allow for easier check in. If you can consolidate into less vehicles, that will help with parking and allow you to park closer.

  • What if it rains?
    Then we’ll probably get wet and muddy.

  • Is it true? No cell phones?
    Very true. And even if it sounds painful, it’s probably going to become a huge gift. We will have photographers on site and promise to share the pictures. Just grab them and ask to have a picture taken!

  • How are campsites organized?
    Campsites are groups of 6-8 mothers/daughters led by a Campsite Host. We attempt to group women by age and geographic location. Regardless of who you end up with, there’s plenty of time to mingle—and Mother Daughter Camp is all about your relationship with your daughter. We want you to remember that your daughter is the most important person to be grouped with!

  • Can I camp with friends?
    This camp is designed around connecting with your daughter, we will organize campsites with daughters that are within a year apart from each other. The idea is to create space to connect with your daughter. Don’t worry there is free time which will provide time to connect with others outside your campsite. If you have daughters the same age or within a year, there is a place during registration to add their name(s). We can’t guarantee but we will do out best to honor this request.

  • How will I get more details about camp?
    Your Campsite Host will connect with you directly via email. They’ll invite mother/daughter teams to your campsite to meet up before Camp—and that’s the perfect time to ask questions, make plans for who’s bringing and borrowing what, and to bond a bit before the experience itself.

  • Do I really have to sleep in a tent?
    Yep, truly. We’ll all be in tents. But before you write off tent-sleeping as too challenging, consider it’s only one night, you can bring a pillow and sleeping pad for extra padding, and it’s probably not as bad as you’re imagining. Besides, wouldn’t it feel good to try something new? We believe in you!

  • What if I don’t have a tent?
    Fear not! Once you get assigned to a campsite, you can work through that scenario. Women can share, borrow, and figure out solutions. Can’t pitch a tent? No worries. We’re learning, too.

  • Will there be food provided?
    Plan on bringing what you need for all your meals except for one meal. Your campsite host will have more information before camp and discuss meal planning.

  • Do we need to bring our own water?
    There is water on site so bring something to fill up and dispense from at your campsite. Some families will find it helpful to bring some additional water of their own.

  • Will there be bathrooms?
    We will have the most average (and clean) port-a-potties that money can rent. Please be aware that there are no handwashing stations or showers.

  • Is there a place for my trash?
    Yes there is a large dumpster onsite, but please bring some trash bags for your family to collect your trash in.

  • Can I bring a pet?
    Humans only please. Exceptions for service animals. Email to discuss.

Have other questions not addressed above?
Email us at