Woman Camp FAQS

Registration FAQ:

  • How much does registration for Woman Camp cost?
    The cost is $129.99.

  • So there’s a minimum age?
    Yep. 18.

  • How do we join our friend’s Campsite group?
    Reach out to the campsite host/group leader. Ask for the name of the group/campsite and passcode. Select Join a group and then register as a camper. If you have already registered, edit/manage your registration using your confirmation email.

  • How do we ensure we get to camp with our friends if neither of us are Campsite Hosts?
    Register as “Camper with Friend(s) but not leading.” One of you should create a group. Share the name and passcode with each other. There is also a place to add their name during the registration process. Or after you complete email womancamp@crossroads.net.

  • Can I get a refund after I register? Or transfer to another year or camp? Or sell my registration?
    Nope, we are unable to provide refunds after registration. Woman Camp can not provide refunds or transfers to other people, camps or next year. If you decide not to come or cannot make it after you register. Please consider this commitment before registering.Can I get a refund after I register?

  • What if I’m pregnant?
    Congratulations, mama! You are definitely still welcome to come, we have lots or pregnant mamas attend every Woman Camp! Use your best judgment on whether or not you want to sleep on the ground, and how far along you’ll be in your pregnancy. We’ll have volunteer medics on-site, but not a midwife.

  • I got hurt, can I still come to camp?
    Maybe, but probably not. Use your best judgment. Depending on your injury, you may end up hurting yourself further by attending camp. If you have any questions please reach out directly to womancamp@crossroads.net.

  • Can I bring my baby? Or leave camp to nurse and then come back?
    So sorry, but no. No babies or children for this experience, but there will be more Woman Camps! So if this isn’t the right time to be away from your child, try a later camp. We aren’t going anywhere.

  • I have a service dog that I need to bring to camp. Is that okay?
    Please email womancamp@crossroads.net before you register for camp. We would love to speak with you and make sure that camp is the right experience for you.

  • I am interested in volunteering, what is the best way to find out more?
    Woman Camp is run by volunteers with opportunities to help before and/or at camp. Our main volunteer teams are Prayer Warriors, Solitude, Utility, Feast, Tent & Decor and Fun Team. If you are interested in volunteering for one of the many teams, please email womancamp@crossroads.net.

  • I have a health or physical issue. Who can I talk to?
    Email womancamp@crossroads.net. We’ll do everything we can to make it work for you. But there are certain limitations—like not having electricity at the campsites or onsite refrigeration—that might make this event too challenging for your needs. We ask that you use your best discretion, and consider a future Woman Camp or another Crossroads experience if need be.

  • Can I give a registration to our friends?
    Absolutely, this can be done during registration. First select the type you are gifting. On the next page is the “Send as Gift” button at the top. Enter email address and continue to pay. You think you are done. WRONG. The person hasn’t been contacted. There is one more step. Once you receive your confirmation email you will need to complete follow the instructions (incomplete). This will include writing a personalized note to be sent with their registration. Follow up with them to make sure they received it and registered.

Camp FAQ:

  • Where is Woman Camp?
    The address for base camp is 420 Neville-Penn Schoolhouse Road, Felicity OH, 45120. Allow for 5-10 extra travel minutes to make it up the gravel road once on property. 5 mph once you are inside the gate! Prepare to enjoy rolling hills, small ponds, fields, woods and gorgeous views.

  • How will I get there?
    Campsite Hosts will organize a carpool situation for your campsite group. Try to have only two cars per campsite. Parking is limited. Your campsite will drive together to our property - 420 Neville-Penn Schoolhouse Rd, Felicity, OH 45120. (No buses, do not leave your car at a Crossroads site).

  • What time does Woman Camp begin? Can I be late?
    Campsite groups can start hiking at 4:00 PM EST. If you arrive early you'll be directed to a staging area until 4:00 PM EST. All Campers should be present in your group before checking in and beginning the hike.

    The gates will close at 6:30 PM EST. As long as you are inside the gate by 6:30 PM EST, or in line on the road, you're good. And you can get in, otherwise plan to arrive on Saturday morning.

    Your entire Campsite group must be present to begin the hike (unless some have communicated they are coming on Saturday for early arrival 6:30 AM-7:30 AM EST).

    Camp runs from 4:30pm on Friday until 1pm on Sunday.

  • Do I have to come Friday?
    We encourage you to camp for two nights. Friday is designed to be time to claim your spot, set up camp, get settled and connect around the campfire. If you are already carrying in your stuff, why not make it two nights, you won't regret it!

    However, if your work schedule doesn’t allow you to check in by 6:30 PM or it is a deal breaker to camp for two nights. We still want you to come. Don’t worry there is no programming on Friday. There is an option to arrive early on Saturday morning 6:30-7:30 AM EST.

  • Can I be dropped off and picked up?
    You may coordinate a meeting place off site. For the safety of all, we ask that only those registered come onto basecamp property. If this is what works best with your family, coordinate a time and place off site to meet up with your campsite.

  • Is there flexibility to come and go?
    Nope, once we’re at camp, we’re there to stay—unless there’s some unforeseen emergency. Woman Camp is immersive and we want everyone to get the most out of the experience. If you leave early with an emergency we cannot allow you to return. This is for the safety of all those attending.

  • How are campsites organized?
    Campsites are groups of 6-8 women led by a Campsite Host. There is an option during registration to create a group/campsite. After registration closes, we will create groups based on responses given in registration. Regardless of who you end up with, there’s plenty of time to mingle—and Woman Camp is all about inclusion and community. So be prepared to meet new women and experience sweet freedom.

  • What if I don't know anybody going?
    Perfect! Many women register and don’t know a soul. Camp becomes a place to find kindred women and share an experience with new friends. Also, before camp, your Campsite Host will connect you with your campsite and start the bonding. Accept the adventure and register, we believe in you.

  • What if I’ve never camped before?
    Join the crowd! Many of us are newbies. Part of the fun and freedom comes from trying something adventurous and realizing you can do it. We’ll give you a pack list, camping tips, and your assigned Campsite Host will help prepare you. At camp, you’ll have plenty of time to figure out how to pitch a tent, keep a fire going, and accomplish a toe-dip into life off the grid.

  • Will there be alcohol at Woman Camp?
    Yes. While it is certainly not the focus, alcohol will be present. Wine is an option at the feast.

  • How will I get more details about camp?
    Your Campsite Host will connect with you directly via email after registration closes in August. They’ll invite you and the other women in your campsite to connect before Woman Camp—and that’s the perfect time to ask questions and make plans for who’s bringing and borrowing what, and how you’ll carpool.

  • Is gear included in the price?
    No. You will be responsible for bringing the gear. If you don't have gear or the right gear, don't let that be a barrier. Discuss with your campsite host. Borrowing is your best friend, consider asking your friends and extended family, check for free gear at Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace or at a local garage sale.

  • Do I really have to sleep in a tent?
    Yep, truly. We’ll all be in tents (or hammocks). You can do it!

  • What if I don’t have a tent?
    Fear not! Once you get assigned to a campsite, you can work through that scenario. Women can share, borrow, and figure out solutions.

  • Will there be restroom facilities?
    Yes! We will have the most average (and clean) port-a-potties that money can rent. Please be aware that there are no handwashing stations or showers. However there’s also plenty of woods and we encourage bravery, just don’t leave your toilet paper in the woods.

  • Is there a hike? How fit do I need to be?
    We park our cars one mile from where we camp, so you’ll be walking in with all your gear. It’s rolling hills and a gravel road. You can absolutely take your time. Women of ALL shapes, sizes and fitness levels attend camp—so don’t let this element discourage you. However, if you have physical limitations or know you can’t make the mile walk, consider waiting until a future camp or choosing another Crossroads experience.

  • What if I can’t carry my own gear?
    We get it. Carrying a weekend’s worth of gear on your back can be a barrier for some. We recommend one of these! We have watched thousands of people walk into camp and one thing is for certain - you do not have to carry everything in on your back! We’ve seen wagons, strollers, hand trucks and coolers with wheels used to haul in gear. Get creative and remember, it’s just two days, you don’t need much.

  • What’s the electricity situation? What if I’m a nursing mom?
    Campsites don’t have electricity, but we’ll have a generator and small area set aside for nursing moms who need to operate pumps. (However, it’s a pump-and-dump situation, unless you bring your own refrigeration/cooler).

  • Is it true? No cell phones?
    Very true. And even if it sounds painful, it’s probably going to become a huge gift. There are plenty of people with GREAT cameras and post on social media after. Take pictures of your campsite before you hike in and after camp. It is great to see the before and after shots! A few people running the event will have cell phones but it is really a gift to leave it at home.

  • What if I have an emergency? Or if my family has an emergency?
    We’ll have a medic team on site. We’ll also have an emergency phone number and a communications system in place—so if your family needs to reach you, they can. It will be OK. Misplacing the remote doesn’t qualify as an emergency, so please prepare those you give the number to use it when needed.

  • Do we need to bring our own water?
    There is water on site so bring something to fill up and dispense from at your campsite.

  • Will there be food provided?
    Dinner is provided on Saturday night. If you have special dietary restrictions, please plan accordingly. The same meal is planned for everyone. If specific questions, please womancampfeastteam@crossroads.net. Your campsite will determine how other meals will be handled.

Have other questions not addressed above?
Email us at womancamp@crossroads.net OR wait until you get assigned a Campsite Host. Thanks!