
Jesus’ first followers lived in a world ruled by Rome. Military, economics, culture, the arts—no matter the arena, Rome was THE dominant reality. And yet, two thousand years later Rome has crumbled, while Jesus’ empire stands firm. Join us as we look at the empire of ancient Rome, the empires around us today, and decide where we will place our trust.

Watch Trailer
1 hr 12 mins 23 sec
Empires | Week 1: Power

Empires | Week 1: Power


1 hr 4 mins 43 sec
Empires | Week 2: Together

Empires | Week 2: Together


1 hr 5 mins 9 sec
Empires | Week 3: Worship

Empires | Week 3: Worship


1 hr 18 sec
Empires | Week 4: Culture

Empires | Week 4: Culture


1 hr 9 mins 6 sec
Empires | Week 5: Legacy

Empires | Week 5: Legacy



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