More power. More capability, more access, more connection. These are the promises of technology, yet they aren’t bringing us the fulfillment we want. Today we’re going to talk about how God designed us for power, but power that is guided by true wisdom.

Process, journal or discuss the themes of this article - here's a few questions to get the ball rolling...

Three questions to help you and your friends get the most out of this week’s message.

  1. Let’s get started. Did any of your answers to the questions during the phones up game surprise you? If so which one(s) and why?

  2. Everyone take a moment and look through the apps on your phone. Think about which ones are distracting, helpful, or maybe mind numbing. Then, take your group on a tour of your phone and talk about how you use what’s there.

  3. Technology can be a gift to help us grow spiritually. Take a second and think about your daily life. Is technology normally a gift or a curse? Everyone take five minutes to share how you interact with tech (and how it interacts with you) on the daily.

More from the Weekend

Got an app (or 12) on your phone that is a total time suck? Delete it (or them) right now. And see how the next week goes.

Want to know how you’re really using your devices? Download this app for Apple or this app for Android. For your desktop/laptop download this app.

Note: these apps are not affiliated with crossroads

0 people are discussing these questions

(This stuff helps us figure out how many fruitcakes to make come December)

Sep 1, 2018 1 hr 11 mins 41 sec

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